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Lípa resort

Krásná Lípa

  • Aparthotel Lípa offers to spend free time in higher standard and represents values of the whole region because of its unique architecture and services.


  • Dataprojector
  • Screen (2×2 m)
  • Wi-fi
  • Laser pointer
  • Sound system
  • Microphone
  • Notebook
  • CD player
  • Flipchart
  • Registration table
  • Cloakroom
  • Additional presentation material as notepads, pencils, candy
  • Technical installation, assistance

Conference rooms

Conference rooms are available in the House of Czech Switzerland (Dům Českého Švýcarska) - for bigger groups of 60 – 100 people. Own rooms in Aparthotel Lípa – for 10 – 50 people.
Banquet map - Lípa resort

Other services

  • reception
  • cafe
  • boarding
  • daily cleaning
  • complex administration of real estates
  • taking care of children
  • animation programmes for children (July - August)
  • exhibitions gallery
  • fitness centre and spinning
  • massages
  • vertical solárium
  • sauna
  • bowling
  • bike rental, snowshoes, bobsleighs, cross-country skis


Aparthotel has 33 apartments of a top category **** – one bedroom and two bedrooms as well.
Guest house *** has 18 rooms – from twin-bedded to five-bedded duplex apartments.
Hostel ** has 9 rooms – differently big, with a communal toilet and bathroom.

All the rooms are fully-equipped including TV with a satellite reception and wardrobes.


Hearty breakfast – 3 warm dishes, business breakfasts, brunches, lunches, dinners, grilling, bashes, social parties, coffee breaks, welcome drinks.


Lípa resort
Křinické nám. 1180/7, 407 46 Krásná Lípa

Tel.: +420 775 592 230