Back to select location Location Ústí nad Labem

Bos. org s.r.o.

Ústí nad Labem

  • Professional company with specialization for a complex organization service in the area of congress and conference services, special meetings, presentation actions in the Czech Republic.
    • 25 years of experiences
    • Every year more than 50 actions
    • Offices in Prague and Ústí nad Labem
    • Sphere of activity all over the Czech Republic
    • Experiences from regions
    • Professional and creative team
    • Financial background, guarantee of covering event costs
    • Individual approach to each client and action
    • Technical background and staff
    • Long-lasting co-operation with distributors


  • coach transport
  • coach city tour
  • barman show
  • catering services
  • travelling services (bus tickets, plane tickets, visa, tickets etc.)
  • DMC - destination management company
  • transport by buggy and carriage
  • transport by limousine
  • transport services (transfers, taxi etc.)
  • photographic services
  • graphic work
  • management of events
  • proposals and realization of exhibitions
  • fireworks
  • organizing and planning congresses (PCO)
  • organizing incentive and motivational programmes
  • organizing sports and outdoor programmes
  • organizing exhibitions and fairs
  • security (security service, bodyguard)
  • providing hostesses
  • rental of congress technology and equipment
  • guide services
  • rent-a-car
  • music reproduction / DJ
  • controlled gustation of wine
  • dancing, folkloric a other cultural performances
  • taxi
  • interpreter's and translation services
  • live music


BOS. org s. r. o.
Kekulova 38
400 01 Ústí nad Labem

Tel.: +420 475 531 098, 475 207 082
Fax: +420 475 205 169